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Ayrton Learning Program for Lighting designers

On May 21, Andrejs Dubkovs conducted an educational seminar for lighting designers in VGD Project's showroom. Key topics covered during the seminar included the fundamental definition and significance of lighting fixtures in various settings such as theatres, concerts, and TV studios. The program also delved into theoretical aspects like the principles of operation, types of light sources, color temperature, and color rendition.

Teaching users how to effectively work with lighting equipment is one of the key tasks of VGD Project. Our engineers are always ready to provide consultation, promptly solve issues during events, teach how to identify and rectify errors. It is also important for us to share valuable experience and knowledge with those who are just starting their professional journey. That's why we have organized a program for studying lighting technology and Ayrton lighting fixtures.

Masterclasses and technical seminars are held every month in VGD Project's office in Riga, where aspiring and experienced lighting designers learn how to work with Ayrton lighting fixtures. Understanding the theory is facilitated by Andreys Dubkovs, a lighting designer with extensive experience who has conceptualized, produced, and executed approximately 1,500 different events over the years, including TV productions, concerts, theatrical displays, architectural lighting projects, rock show tours, and more. Therefore, during the classes, Andrejs not only helps students solidify their basic knowledge of working with Ayrton equipment but also shares insights into interesting implemented solutions.
